He had the reputation of a chaste and temperate man.
"With his testicles undescended and no organ for copulation, I'd say he's got a shot at being the most chaste man ever lived."
Oothoon is in love with Theotormon, who represents the chaste man, filled with a false sense of righteousness.
Well, I will find you twenty lascivious turtles ere one chaste man.
I wondered if a promiscuous man was more likely to be murdered than a chaste man.
Neither is it possible that those that have cast away so basely so much of their strength, should greatly esteem children (being of the same matter) as chaste men do.
No synonyms at all are given for chaste woman and chaste man
In the case of a determinedly chaste young man, he would be tied down and straddled by a female temple attendant.
Seeing this and much more that it would not be proper to set down here, it seemed to Abraham, himself a chaste, sober, and upright man, that he had seen enough.