But I have a charter mandate.
The National Advisory Council for Minority Business Enterprise (NACMBE) will hold its second meeting to discuss the work of selected subcommittees and deliverables to fulfill the NACMBE's charter mandate.
But he expressed some confusion over the necessity of a charter mandate to do something the city government has already mandated itself to do.
As members of the City Planning Commission, our charter mandate is to plan for the orderly growth and development of the city.
Mr. Hevesi's office, as part of its charter mandate, routinely reviews and approves roughly 8,000 contracts a year worth $7 billion.
The National Advisory Council for Minority Business Enterprise (NACMBE) held its fourth meeting discussing the work of the three subcommittees and deliverables to fulfill the NACMBE's charter mandate.
What's more, the foundation's charter mandates that the Burri collection pass to the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome if either of the Citta di Castello museums shuts down.