The demographic data obtained from the chart review and from the questionnaire are summarized in Table 2.
Excluding simple chart reviews, about 80 percent of the department's human research is financed by industry.
However, such process measures are difficult or impossible to extract from claims data, and costly chart review is typically needed in today's system.
Since alcohol consumption may have varied with time, efforts were made to obtain estimates based on patient recall and chart review.
Dana-Farber said documentation for nursing care would now be monitored daily by a chart review.
Using multiple reviewers increased the accuracy of chart review, they said.
Demographic data were obtained from the chart review of these patients and were entered into a computer database.
It was pretested on a group of hysterectomy patients identified from a 1993 chart review at the same institution.
The study was performed from chart review of participants.
They said the data collection, based on retrospective chart reviews, was fundamentally flawed.