Because of an editing error, a second chart, with the continuation of the article, comparing types of funds, misidentified the source of the data.
LEAD: A chart last Sunday with an article on the Nova Pharmaceutical Corporation misidentified the market where the company's stock is traded.
In addition, a chart of the leading underwriters misidentified a top-ranking firm.
The chart also misidentified the first player to hit more than 30 home runs in a season for the San Diego Padres.
A chart in Business Day on Friday tracing changes in the makeup of the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index misidentified a company that has recently been added.
LEAD: A chart in Business Day on Oct. 14 about the nation's 10 largest guard companies misidentified the fifth-largest.
LEAD: A chart about the World Series in Sports Pages on Oct. 14 misidentified the single game that holds the attendance record.
LEAD: A chart last week with an article about vending-machine sales misidentified the source of the data.
A chart with the article misidentified the gallery at which Picasso's painting "Motherhood" was sold.
A chart on Sept. 5 detailing the construction of One World Trade Center misidentified the architects of the ventilating units on the memorial plaza.