A chart of the judiciary branch identifies United States Tax Court as "the place to argue that the bubble-jet printer on your kitchen counter constitutes a 'home office."'
The chart below identifies the succession of vessels known to qualify as Queen of the Lakes from 1813 to the present.
The following chart identifies the players who were listed as first-team All-Americans on at least four of the 12 listed teams.
The first night at the retreat, the fellows make charts identifying the four events in their lives that have had the greatest impact on their identity.
A chart of Indian chiefs identifies them by name in Polish.
The surrounding land was cleared for development in the 1950s, and charts identified the body of water as "No Name Harbor".
This chart identifies these individuals, listing their dates of House service and party affiliation while in the House; and it includes the other major offices they held.
The woman's chart identified her as thirty-five-year-old Gretchen Schluter.
A chart in the conference room near Mr. Timpson's office identifies another 80 steps or so that are crucial to making the agreement work once it is signed.
The chart also identifies six genes with interleukin-8 domains (IL-8), a domain that represents a highly conserved motif among stress-response cytokines.