There can be a timeline which charts the person's life and a family tree to display their links with ancestors and descendants.
Pop-up charts display coordinates, frame numbers and time codes.
Family-planning clinics would have a strong new weapon: charts displaying the comparative costs of auto insurance with and without male children aged 17.
This chart displays an RTI model that was completed in 47 of the 50 states.
This chart displays a predicted relationship between consumption of rice, the amount planted, and the increase in population from 2008 up until 2030.
Gunugul stepped back but left the chart displayed for their fascinated gaze.
This is the reason that the chart displays the minimum amount of DNA for a given taxon.
A chart displays the average wait in each hour segment of the day.
The Atlantic featured charts displayed at the conference which showed how the number of new administrators has dropped precipitously over the last few years.
The chart displayed photographs and names of about 30 Arabs suspected of ties to militants.