Remo suddenly saw a small chart cover his breakfast of white rice and water.
A typical chart covers a pressure range of 0.01 - 1000 bar, and temperatures up to 800 degrees Celsius.
No chart could cover all its wine regions.
Mr. Chadwick's charts cover the last two days but even there they are inconclusive.
We have travel-time charts covering all of the Indian Ocean.
Eventually, the chart covered this and was released weekly and monthly like all the other charts.
This chart of confirmed sightings covers about half the world's oceans.
The above chart covers Apple's litigation history from 2000 to Oct 2010.
The trade journal now has more than 40 charts, covering everything from rock to rap, classical crossover to contemporary jazz.
The soundings for the current charts covering the western edge of Vineyard Sound were taken in 1939.