There is San Marcos Gardens, a charming green spot where paths and trees are abundant.
The village is a charming spot, built in small-scale, traditional chalet style.
There are far less charming, capable and affordable spots that are full every night, even on my block.
"Behind the Luxembourg; that's a charming spot for such amusements as the one I propose to you."
It was really such a charming spot.
It was a charming spot to camp, I remember.
It's a charming and intimate spot hidden from neighbors by a tall fence and spriraling foliage.
His charming new spot has been packed to the faux-timbered ceiling since opening day two months ago.
It's a charming spot, and a great place to unwind for a few days, especially in the quieter months.
A charming, out-of-the-way, rustic spot with a delightful garden.