His defense of his surgeons could be charitably described as lukewarm.
But he's unlike most special-teams tacklers, some of whom might be charitably described as suicidal.
Nor is it uniform: California's fiscal picture, for example, could be charitably described as having improved in two years to severe from disastrous.
Roach has endless patience with people whose ideas are most charitably described as unconventional.
That has been possible for a while now, but the results can be charitably described as uneven.
Its eight stories contain more than 4,200 students, well beyond official capacity, and the academic record could be charitably described as middling.
The buildup to the 2002 Winter Olympics could be charitably described as bumpy.
Steger also has what might be described charitably as a playful side.
Johnson may seem an unlikely guide to America's history; early Americans had what can be charitably described as a love-hate relationship with him.