The primary charitable beneficiary of the tournament is Nationwide Children's Hospital.
Split-interest trusts make distributions to both charitable and noncharitable beneficiaries, while providing tax benefits to their donor.
"U.S. Trust has failed to discharge this duty to the estate and the charitable beneficiaries."
There is a new charitable beneficiary.
The festival relies on corporate and community sponsorship and includes a number of non-profit and charitable beneficiaries each year.
Throughout the history of the event, children's charities in Northwest Ohio and Southern Michigan have been the charitable beneficiaries of the tournament.
Each year the Trust will select and nominate charitable beneficiaries to which the funds will be distributed.
The gift to the trust is irrevocable - you can't get your money back, although you are permitted to change charitable beneficiaries.
Since 2004, Burton has played in a guest spot of the Eisenhower Medical Center, the primary charitable beneficiary of the event.
The festival also named Children's Hospital its sole charitable beneficiary of the proceeds created by the event.