In May, six current and former employees of a concrete supplier were charged with fraudulently concealing that some concrete was of poor quality.
Mr. Wilkes who was charged with concealing his interest in the deals through shell companies and intermediaries.
His brother Martin is charged with concealing a body.
Last month, the mother, Melissa Seanor, 17, was charged with concealing the death of an infant.
It was the sindona who were charged with breaking it and concealing its three parts twelve times ten hundreds ago.
On 18 January 2011, he was charged with concealing criminal property in connection with offences relating to stolen cars.
A Brooklyn detective was charged in federal court yesterday with concealing evidence to cover up his cousin's role in a mob shooting.
He has also been charged with concealing over $270,000 in income tax between 2003 and 2007.
"You are charged with concealing information about a device which is dangerous to the security of the Plan of Man."
(The company has been charged with concealing information about the asbestos; it has denied the charges.)