More recently, he developed a technique for studying low-speed collisions between charged molecules and electrons, mimicking chemical processes that occur in interstellar space.
This process is called Coulombic fission because it is driven by repulsive Coulombic forces between charged molecules.
Because air molecules are normally neutrally charged, the EFA has to create some charged molecules, or ions, first.
Membrane impermeable: Since BS3 is a charged molecule, it cannot freely pass through cellular membranes which makes it an ideal crosslinker for cell surface proteins.
The movement of ions through a membrane is controlled by the nature and number of charged molecules fixed in it.
Ionizing radiation has enough energy to break chemical bonds in molecules or remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, thus creating charged molecules or atoms (ions).
In mass spectrometry, an electric field accelerates a vapor of charged molecules into a detector.
For example, in biochemistry it is widely used to separate charged molecules such as proteins.
As a phospholipid bilayer, the lipid portion of the outer membrane is impermeable to charged molecules.
The inability of charged molecules to pass through the cell membrane results in pH partition of substances throughout the fluid compartments of the body.