But the recent downturn in the investment banking industry has been accompanied by a similar drop in what Canary Wharf can charge new tenants.
In other cases, owners charge tenants with causing housing violations, such as broken walls and plumbing, to be able legally to withold rent.
They sought an end to disputes over who should have succession rights to an apartment lease, and over how much landlords should be allowed to charge tenants for capital improvements.
If they were charging everyone what they're charging new tenants, then you'd see a totally different neighborhood.
"The way it stands now is that they cannot charge tenants a nickle more than the apartment rented for before the conversion."
With downtown office buildings still leaving many lights on well after business hours, state officials are weighing steps to allow landlords to find a way to charge tenants based on electrical use.
However, others protested about the abuses of royal law, for example the delaying or selling of justice, a problem which seems to reflect the huge amounts sometimes charged tenants in chief.
"But if a tenant believes that the landlord makes a regular practice of charging former tenants for excessive repair costs, a complaint can be filed with the New York State attorney general."
"Also, a lot of landlords who previously did not charge tenants for water now are charging," she said.
The rent board also set much lower than usual limits on the amount landlords can charge new tenants of vacated apartments.