From September 2012 universities and colleges in the public sector in England can charge new full-time students up to £9,000 a year.
From 2012/13 universities and colleges can charge new full-time students up to £9,000 for tuition.
So colleges, which had expanded, have charged students more money, subsidized by Federal loans.
The College, however, reserves the right to charge a fee and select students.
Narcotics agents charged students with offenses that carry prison terms up to 130 years and fines up to $6.5 million.
Many schools are raising revenues in new ways, charging students to participate in sports, plays, band or other activities that were once free.
If you charge students, they will not come.
About 15 percent of college counseling centers charge students for individual counseling sessions.
A small fee could be charged students for lost ID's as a deterrent against casual loss.
Universities would not survive without the fees they charge international students.