These charges prompted the police to determine whether the circumstances merited a charge of child rape, which can carry the death penalty.
Those higher charges, analysts say, may prompt some consumers to look anew at Medicare-subsidized private insurance programs.
The charges have prompted some despair about how hard it is to judge one person's word against another's.
More recent charges of ideological bias prompted Freedom House to issue this 2010 statement:
The charge, made in a letter sent to conservative editors and Greek Orthodox bishops, prompted a complaint from at least one organization.
Foreign Ministry officials would not say whether the charges had prompted him to cut short his visit.
The charge of institutional racism in particular prompts a series of changes within the Metropolitan police.
Atlanta's growing crime problem and charges of racial insensitivity toward African Americans prompted Jackson's decision.
His charge prompted a wave of public criticism of news organizations that was joined by some who have normally been among the press's staunchest champions.
Those charges prompted a wave of political unrest that continues to grow and to which General Noriega has responded with increasingly tough measures.