The settlement is the second instance in less than a decade that Wall Street firms have agreed to pay about $1 billion to settle regulatory charges of anti-investor practices.
In the interim, the Singh Government has begun investigations into numerous charges of bribery, forgeries and other corrupt practices by officials in the Gandhi Government.
The United States Trade Representative, Clayton K. Yeutter, is expected to announce a formal investigation into charges of discriminatory practices by Seoul in the film industry.
He also failed to explain why in 1991 he helped to stymie a congressional inquiry into charges of corrupt practices by the budget committee.
The complaint expanded charges of deceptive practices brought against the company last year.
Mr. Kleine said that no court cases based on charges of unfair rental practices have come to that organization's attention.
On the legal front, charges of monopolistic practices have been cropping up with growing regularity, and not just against Wal-Mart.
Mr. Anwar listened while a prosecutor read off four charges of corrupt practices involving accusations that he obstructed a police investigation of his sexual activities.
The Government's investigation of Moody's, part of a wide-ranging investigation into charges of anti-competitive practices in the bond-rating services industry, began early in 1996.
They also have antitrust immunity, which gives them great leeway to coordinate flights and pricing without being brought up on charges of anticompetitive practices.