"You have never heard that there was a charge of embezzlement?"
There was even talk of trying him on embezzlement charges, but it never came to much.
No trial date has been set on the embezzlement charges.
It did not consider the charge of embezzlement, which was still pending.
Almost nothing is known about him, except that he was executed on charges of embezzlement.
A federal indictment followed and he was arrested on charges of embezzlement.
Soon, the lawyer they hired was gone, having been indicted on an embezzlement charge in another case.
Ms. Jones, he said, was still in business, and under the probation program she would never have to tell anyone about the embezzlement charges.
Five former employees at the post office had already been indicted on charges of drug dealing and embezzlement.
For his part, Fujimori denied the human rights and embezzlement charges.