Vllasi was arrested by the police on the charges of "counter-revolutionary activities".
Nehru was arrested on charges of anti-governmental activities in 1921, and was released a few months later.
In 1930 in Sverdlovsk was arrested on charges of subversive activities.
Most days of the hearings this month will focus on charges of illegal or improper activities by the Democrats.
Some of these journalists are now facing charges of illegal activities and a travel ban, due to their refusal "to give in to pressure."
Israeli officials said they were checking "some charges of hostile activities."
In 1940, he was imprisoned on charges of subversive activities.
The first trial against them sentenced 53 persons on May 2, 1985, on charges of terrorist activities.
They responded favorably to the now-familiar charges of unethical and illegal activities by those close to the President.
The arrests today are not the first charges of illegal activities against members of the group.