At one moment these huge animals, twice the size of an ordinary horse and six times its weight, were charging madly in every direction.
But then a score of Stone-born creatures charged madly out of the tower.
As it happened, the fires caused some of the horses to break their tethers and escape their stalls, and these animals charged madly around, seeking their own escape.
No one paused to check the progress of the an Gnomes; they charged madly ahead, eyes glued to the sheltering blackness of the Anar forest looming in the distance.
The enraged enemy began to charge madly, stumbling awkwardly over the unfamiliar ground in the growing darkness, the retreating soldiers of the Legion always just a few steps out of reach.
The tall thief let out a wild yell of delight and charged madly into the small draw to their left, leaving both Keltset and Shea staring after him in amazement.
They responded, charging madly into the T'ai-Ping fire and, incredibly, losing only a few along the way.
It was a glorious event, this dangerous, raging bull charging madly.
Her remaining tools pursued Kaeritha, charging after her madly, and Kaeritha laughed coldly, deliberately goading Paratha with the sound.
Just as we entered it from one side a huge monster emerged from the jungle upon the other, and at sight of us charged madly in our direction.