Known as 12b-1 fees, they are usually combined with deferred, or back-end, charges levied on investors who sell shares soon after buying them.
However the charges levied for use of the station proved not to be cost effective and so the trains eventually returned to using Littlehempston in 1988.
A level load is a uniform sales charge, typically three-quarters to 1 percent of assets, levied each year.
Its budget amounts to approximately 111 million euros, with the bulk of revenue comes from taxes and charges levied on the activity of the pharmaceutical industry.
From tomorrow the supplementary charge levied on oil and gas production will increase from 20% to 32%.
They suggested developing the facilities for smelting the ores and a charge on lead similar to that levied in Wirksworth.
Class C shares typically have higher asset-based sales charges levied annually, but no front- or back-end loads.
If the airlines are not satisfied with the charges levied on their behalf they can have recourse to an independent regulatory authority.
Indeed, the book admits virtually all the charges levied against Private Garwood, only to give them an explanation meant to justify his actions.
It is up to the prosecutor's discretion how many charges to levy against a defendant for a single criminal event.