The idea of Microsoft giving kickbacks to OEMs is topsy-turvy - they charge the OEMs for copies of Windows.
Mr. Neufeld kept Dr. Cotton on the stand for the entire morning, asking about subjects as varied as her laboratory's accreditation and the price the laboratory charged for copies of X-rays.
However we may charge for requests for multiple print outs or for multiple hard copies of documents or booklets to cover photocopying and postage etc.
One restriction on copyright was a "cumbersome system" designed to prohibit unreasonably high prices for books, which limited how much authors could charge for copies.
AIMutation was originally freeware, but later, its owners began charging a price for copies of the software.
Indeed, Yu argued that the very concept of charging for copies of public records is misguided.
If you do not charge anything for copies of this eBook, complying with the rules is very easy.
Mark Zaid, the Web site's lawyer, said that other issues needed to be resolved before the lawsuit could be dismissed, including APB's request for a waiver of the $2,500 the federal courts' administrative office charged for copies of all 1,600 disclosure reports.
With the exception of media and handling costs, it forbids charging for copies of a licensed work, but does not otherwise forbid commercial use.
The maximum fees that companies can charge for inspection or copies are now prescribed by regulations (the former practice of stating them in the primary legislation did not work well in an inflationary climate) and these regulations clarify the obligations of companies regarding inspection and copies.