Extra miles can cost up to 25 cents a mile, and dealers may charge drivers for any repairs that must be made if they return their cars.
They also realize that there's no way to prevent traffic jams unless you charge drivers - like airplane passengers - a premium at busy times.
The Commissioner would also be empowered to set limits on how much insurers could charge urban drivers.
Instead, they said the authority had broken the law, misleading the public before deciding in March to charge riders and drivers more.
The only drawback with that plan is that australia tends to charge younger drivers with higher rental.
One option is to revert to two-way tolls, charging drivers $3 at each end of the bridge instead of $6 to those driving west.
The insurance product would not ban texting while driving, but would charge drivers who text and drive a higher premium.
The law, which took effect on Jan. 1, charged drivers at least $75 for each vehicle towed.
That is because the legislation would eliminate a 1983 state law that limits what insurers can charge drivers who live in urban areas like Irvington.
The idea is to charge drivers for entering the most heavily trafficked parts of Manhattan at the busiest times of the day.