The second time he uses charcoal dust.
Charcoal-like foot-prints dragged into eachother across the floor and in the centre of the room was a heap of charcoal dust.
After being removed it is covered with charcoal dust and left to ripe in a humid, ventilated room.
For every ton of charcoal burnt, there's another ton in charcoal dust which is normally thrown away as waste.
Getting only tered on the floorcoat again, but it rolled off the sketch-boy and shat smeared with charcoal dust.
Everything seen darkly, as though a puff of charcoal dust had been blown over it and then softly rubbed in.
The bugs descended like a cloud of charcoal dust.
The remnants of fly ash and charcoal dust enriched the earth with minerals that were needed for the growing of trees.
His fingers were smeared with charcoal dust.
All of it was dust now, charcoal black dust, flaking off Titan's bones.