Through the Mars Exploration Student Data Team, teachers and students work from their schools to help study and characterize different aspects of Mars - from the atmosphere to the surface - to help support the landed Mars Exploration Rover mission.
It was led by NASA's Johnson Space Center and the science investigation was designed to characterize aspects of the radiation environment both on the way to Mars and while it was in the Martian orbit.
Even the judge who had been hired as an outside consultant on the matter characterized certain aspects of the proceedings as smacking "too much of the Star Chamber."
AremisSoft said the Times article "incorrectly characterized aspects of the company's business."
While The Thinker most obviously characterizes Dante, aspects of the Biblical Adam, the mythological Prometheus, and Rodin himself have been ascribed to him.
The scientists of the Earth Atmospheric Sciences section are conducting research to characterize and understand chemical and dynamical aspects of the earth's atmosphere.
However, other indices are effective at characterizing other aspects of ENSO.
Authors Dudley Jones and Tony Watkins describe Dare as being part of the "'powerful sense of beleaguered hope' that characterised not only the campaign against horror comics but other aspects of British post-war culture."
The SCOPE interoperability assessment model is designed to characterize interoperability-relevant aspects or capabilities of a system or set of systems over a network in terms of a set of dimensions and values along those dimensions.
The Gaussian network model (GNM) is a representation of a biological macromolecule as an elastic mass-and-spring network to study, understand, and characterize mechanical aspects of its long-scale dynamics.