Clemens, who played one half, seemed stuck in the same funk that characterized his work in relief last week against the Giants.
The demonstrators also presented copies of a poster they characterized as a backlash against their protests.
The Chief of Detectives, Robert Colangelo, characterized the indictments as "another victory in our current war against organized crime."
That lawsuit, against the Department of the Navy, was thrown out by a judge who characterized it as a personal vendetta against a superior.
Lowenfels characterized the witnesses against him as "former communists who had become informers and agents for the FBI at a fair rate of pay".
Durenberger, who was not due to face re-election until 1994, acknowledged that he had made "serious mistakes" and characterized the verdict against him as a "fair conclusion".
He once characterized prejudice against Catholics as "the deepest bias in the history of the American people".
Watson characterized the Finale as a steady, organic assertion of A major against its Neapolitan relatives.
Invariably the reinterpretations characterized his works as protests against Stalin.
USA Today characterized the operation as an open declaration of cyberwarfare against big government and corporations.