Legislative language from its establishment, and the character of the park, suggests that it is among the oldest of America's national parks.
Its overall character suggests a farmer's village.
She uses the spaces in the panels/the backgrounds, as characters to suggest feelings such as hope or emptiness.
Is she related, as one character suggests, to Helen of Troy?
This character she created - with the same name and physical attributes as herself - suggested to the real Pagan an unexplored avenue of literature.
To avoid freezing to death, the main character suggests burning books, much to the horror of two librarians.
Its implied narrative character suggests that calendar sequences offer one way to merge abstraction with storytelling.
The Chinese characters written on the crates suggest the exotic nature of the familiar freight.
Maybe, one character suggests, it brings "eternal loneliness" instead.
Some skeletal characters of anthracotheres suggest that they are related to hippos.