Nanapush's name and character owes a great deal to the Ojibwe trickster-hero, Nanabozho.
Several characters throughout the series have owed Al demon marks or have had dealings with him.
This was Forster's most autobiographical work, in which, again by his own account, the character of Mrs Failing owes something to Uncle Willie.
The predominantly heathland character of Ashdown Forest owes much to the activities of its commoners over many centuries.
Balcer also says the character owes a lot to Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe.
His character owes many of its comic incongruities to his role as a "first" zanni.
The architectural character of the town owes much to the fact that it is constructed almost exclusively of the beautiful, but fragile, Tuffeau stone.
Martha Brett's wayward character and striptease onstage clearly owe something to Tallulah; yet the series is packed with period references.
The area's distinctive character owes much to its strong Moorish heritage and its Mediterranean climate, so different from most other parts of the country.
While Bella and Edward might have come to Meyer in a dream, the characters owes a great deal to the author's real life.