These 31 chapters represent a growing number of colleges and universities who are now preparing teachers to teach young adolescents in American's middle schools.
In this sense, the chapters that follow represent a beginning point much more than an ending point in understanding Utah's first residents.
A completed chapter represents a move East on the map, and an "Extreme" set of levels are unlocked for each chapter.
These first 20 chapters represent a review of human history from the point of view of a post-Enlightenment philosopher.
Divided into a number of parts, each chapter represents a different era in the area of the novel's history.
Each chapter represents a district within the Greater St. Louis Area Council.
Each chapter of the comic represents one day in Wigu's life.
The first two chapters represent an indictment of the film industry.
At the start, each chapter represents a year in the lives of the characters, seen in vignettes as short as a paragraph.
Also, as Grendel is in the twelfth year of war, each chapter can represent one year of his life.