As the idea grew in popularity, chapters formed sporadically throughout the southern states and region.
These chapters will form the core of the whole Statement, and deal with some fundamental issues.
With the growing stigma attached to smoking, more local chapters of Smoker Anonymous are forming.
This chapter should form a basis of a comprehensive check-list for successful site investigation, but is certainly not exhaustive.
Thirteen chapters, each devoted to a ranch woman or a family group, form the heart of the book.
Local chapters formed across the state, and the white-dominated legislature voted to give the Councils financial support.
The other chapters form a loose chronological narrative which he often breaks with various insights and recollections.
Since 2007, other chapters had formed and had carried out various direct actions across the US.
The first two chapters (Uchchhwasas) of the prologue form the frame story.
Three additional chapters form a sort of "how to" course on the writing of fantasy, illustrated with examples from Carter's own writings.