This chapter argues for a less pessimistic approach.
This chapter has argued that it is not only national population size, composition and behaviour that matter but also their changing patterns across regional and urban systems.
An entire chapter argues that Homo sapiens is, with high probability, the only intelligent species in the Milky Way.
This chapter has argued that just as the study of style cannot entirely rely on quantitative data, neither can it ultimately do without them.
This chapter will argue that an important aspect of such initiatives is their address to the ambiguous significatory structures of psychological discourse.
As the last chapter argued, many feminist psychologists pass over signification, in favour of simpler objects.
The chapter argues that allocation of these funds will be made in response to market signals if the police services are privatized, promoting better use of resources.
The chapter also argues that British financial strength was the single most decisive factor in its victories over France during the 18th century.
The chapter argues that "the term brainwashing has such sensationalist connotations that its use prejudices any scientific discussion of patterns of commitment in religious movements."
The chapter argues that the quality of health care could be more efficiently kept at an adequate level through reputation, standards instituted by insurance companies, etc.