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His hands and face felt as if they were chapped, however.
Sometimes he washed them so often in a single day that they became red and chapped.
Her long fingers were chapped and red among their diamonds.
Her face had been chapped ever since day one here, and she knew today would not improve matters.
Her skin, what I could see of it, looked pale and chapped.
I am 32 and my lips have become severely chapped.
And the backs of my hands, were they smooth or chapped?
He bit his lips, which were already chapped and bleeding.
Besides, many might say, all that soap and water leaves hands chapped.
All you boys have chapped hands and faces from it."
Maybe that's why my lips are always chapped, he thinks, running a finger over them.
The worker's hands were chapped; she was not wearing gloves.
The minister of justice shook his old, scarred, chapped head.
He was bundled against the cutting wind, and his hands were chapped from the cold.
He peered at her, his young face red and chapped with frostbite.
They curved in the most delicious smile, their skin no longer chapped.
"I'm chapped like riding a horse all day," he said.
The skin around her constantly licked lips is always chapped.
When moisture is stripped away, skin becomes dry and chapped.
Then she straightened up and snapped, "My skin always did get chapped in winter."
But have you ever wondered what it is about lips that makes them so susceptible to chapping?
For these reasons, the lips dry out faster and become chapped more easily.
His lips were dry and chapped, with a few spots of dried blood.
Everyone's hands, even the children's, are chapped and bleeding.
Under the dirt it was red and chapped, the skin split in a dozen places.