Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Be a good chap and stay away a few more years, will you?
We've got to bank on his being a good chap and tell him everything.
Only that he seemed to be a good chap who asked a lot of questions!
Be a good chap and share the secret with us.
Go quietly, there's a good chap, and keep the war going until we get there.
"Tell me my good chap, what happens to us after we surrender?"
Keep your fellows out of it, there's a good chap.
Well, be a good chap and take the olives round, would you?
There's a good chap, just remember to not exceed 15 degrees in future.
Fidele, be a good chap and call one of your men.
David's such a good chap, and she leads him an absolute dog's life.
So be a good chap and look after things here for an hour or so.
Now be a good chap and get your new snow blower for me.
Just be a good chap and go through with it, whatever it is.
Now say a prayer for your soul like a good chap while you yet have the time."
He's gone dont you know, now please keep up there's a good chap.
Would you be a good chap and put it on the printer?'
I shall enjoy working with Friso, he's a good chap.
"But look up that pearl merchant for me, like a good chap.
I thought he was a good chap to try my lies on to see if he believed it!
"Be a good chap and save two for dinner.
Do be a good chap and come along.
"Oh yes, rather a good chap by all accounts.
A fellow student recalled him as, "a good chap, a young man with all the right instincts.
Good chap - but perhaps not very imaginative.