Moreover, Borden has a somewhat chaotic structure.
The film's chaotic structure mirrors the collapse of residential life in the apartment block.
But critics, including many boxing people, say the industry's chaotic structure has made it nearly impossible to repair.
(In fact, these passages are carefully crafted, and their seemingly chaotic structure conceals multiple layers of meaning.)
The first thing a reader notices about "August Houseplant" (without even having to read the poem) is the chaotic structure of the poem.
In Germany, Coke needs to streamline a chaotic bottling structure.
Akhtyrka, like all of Sloboda Ukraine, had a chaotic structure of buildings.
Huge success can come out of this chaotic, non-formalised structure.
The book is not easy to read, because of misty wording and the chaotic structure, but has a lot of interesting engravings, made by himself.
Most of his works demonstrate a vision of the chaotic sociopolitical structure of contemporary Russia.