Lawrence thrust his other heel down on the brake, which made no appreciable difference to the chaotic rush.
The fire was eventually set, allowing Nagamasa's army to capture the fortress in a chaotic rush.
The violence of the past two years led 40,000 Haitians to flee the country in a chaotic rush.
The end came in a chaotic rush after the Red Army burst through the outskirts of Berlin on April 21.
As a newly qualified teacher of English my first experience of teaching passed in a chaotic rush of students, paper, exhaustion and hilarity.
He heard it again, only one more block to go, and then it seemed to die away in the chaotic rush of midtown traffic.
Everybody is left swirling about in a chaotic rush of desire and action, without a coherent code to make sense of it all.
The chaotic rush of notes makes the listener's job of getting or keeping bearings relatively difficult.
His body was hard and heavy, pinning her, and Char molded herself against him, caught in a chaotic rush of pleasure.
But, he added, "I do not believe the overall public interest is served by a chaotic rush to regulatory judgment by an understaffed, underfinanced Commission."