The third writer is typically identified as George Peele, who, like Greene, was notorious for his chaotic lifestyle.
From 1946 to 1948 he worked to finish high school, after two prior attempts failed due to his chaotic lifestyle spent among the older students.
Many of those attending for the food and clothing have a chaotic lifestyle of dependence on drugs or alcohol.
Day-to-day survival needs take priority over longer term planning - often resulting in a chaotic lifestyle.
Susan has always had a fairly chaotic lifestyle and found it difficult to settle in school, but her life fell apart when at age 13 her mother...
When he escaped from his chaotic lifestyle, he set up a tree surgery business, which employed several ex-offenders and recovering addicts.
She knew she would be happier with the simple, chaotic lifestyle of the Delaneys.
Despite his chaotic lifestyle and political limitations, Butt was capable of inspiring deep personal loyalty.
Rory had always put his chaotic lifestyle down to his personality.
The phenomenal success of the books, especially the first, enabled Donaldson to resume his chaotic lifestyle and in the mid-1980s he began using crack cocaine.