Simple networks of neurons can also exhibit chaotic dynamics.
In his fatherly voice, he spoke: "We are presented here with a classic example of chaotic dynamics.
They are predominantly used to qualitatively study the chaotic dynamics of spatially extended systems.
One hallmark of chaotic dynamics is the loss of information as simulation occurs.
More recently he introduced so called Bunimovich mushrooms, which are visual examples of billiards with mixed regular and chaotic dynamics.
In three or more dimensions, higher codimension bifurcations can occur, producing complicated, possibly chaotic dynamics.
"People are asking more cogent questions, and they're observing behavior that begins to be amenable to the ideas of chaotic dynamics."
This problem does not appear in the older Ricker model, which also exhibits chaotic dynamics.
There is some controversy over the existence of chaotic dynamics in plate tectonics and in economics.
We will see in Section 24.7 that modern ideas about chaotic dynamics suggest that such classification might be possible.