They brought us order at the cost of their lives, and yet, chaos again threatens.
When chaos threatens, people retreat into smaller and smaller bastions.
"We're gonna do it my way - no highway option," the commando commands, when child-stoked chaos threatens his domain.
It is a matter, he says, not just of reducing poverty but also of restoring stability to conflict-ridden countries where chaos can threaten America's security.
The chaos in Venezuela threatens the region's largest oil supplier.
What to do if chaos in Iraq threatens to engulf the region in a wider war?
The showdowns this week have heightened tensions in Rumania, where mounting chaos is threatening the country's move toward democracy.
A chaos of Imagery threatens us.
Now, the chaos is threatening to spread all around. We all know very well how problematic the area is.
Mounting chaos in the state's finances has threatened a collapse of the money economy and a retreat to 100% rationing.