Besides covering their tracks, the chaos created by the sweeping spell provided cover while they plunged into the woods ahead.
Both methods produce that force known as chaos, and the unrestrained chaos created by either means cannot be differentiated, one from the other.
Florida's chaos has created the prospect of billions of dollars in federal and state money being made available to counties to upgrade their equipment.
The ensuing chaos creates a moment of decision in the life of "Chas."
Add to that the chaos created by the state's welfare-to-work program, and the result was a population in turmoil.
Being human is the struggle to bring meaning into a universe where order and chaos normally create meaningless patterns that resemble a balance.
But chaos created opportunity for the clever and ruthless.
Either way, chaos created opportunity and Scion investors might feel lucky that they were locked in the castle.
The resulting chaos would create a refugee crisis and open a new terrorist recruiting hub.
If that were so, he must truly despise her and the chaos her unconventional arrival had created.