Yet the man walked along, chanting in a singsong voice.
They chanted in a single voice and carried in their hands the sacred texts.
Tetelo was chanting in a loud voice that out- reverberated the drums.
All the while he chanted in a voice so low Wolf could not hear his words.
A dark figure with arms stood before the circle, chanting in a low voice.
When it lay on the ground at his feet, he began to chant in a high quavery voice-the voice of a very old man.
"The bald-headed Nancy," one boy chanted in a singsong voice to his friend.
But he began to chant in a sombre, sing-song voice.
Sharina heard Meder chanting behind her in a low voice, but she didn't dare turn around now.
She began to chant in a low, eerie voice, words in a language foreign to Lucien.