CHOPs - channel operators - for procedural animation and audio manipulation.
In other words, à la carte would give channel operators better demographic data, as they wouldn't just be sent out automatically to every cable subscriber.
ChanServ, a channel service bot, is used to protect channel operators and help run the channel.
BotServ, a bot which allows channel operators to assign bots to their channels.
In its first incarnations, IRC did not have many features that are taken for granted today, such as named channels and channel operators.
Many of these features require that the bot be a channel operator.
Chellomedia also provide a set of advanced digital services, such as ad sales and broadcast solutions, to a portfolio of leading international channel operators.
Within the individual channels the channel operators then have a higher status than the regular users.
Ofcom is enforcing a 25% independent production quota for the channel operators, as stipulated in the Broadcasting Act 1990.
On 30 September 2009, JML simulcasts were ceased and given back to the original channel operator.