Only with the passage of time did the two channels come to be seen widely as part of a single public service system.
I can't change the channel or hit mute fast enough when they come on.
And it could be taken for granted that in case of emergency all channels would come to life.
Its channel comes very close to the shore at this spot, so it was a natural place to build wharves.
In addition to the launch of a new vivid red, blue, and green logo, the channel now came on air at 14:30.
Your two channels come in to a common detector.
The channel they had been following divided, came together, and then branched again.
Only three channels came in on the television, though television was never important to those of us who grew up there.
"It is a sort of center where many channels come together," he said patiently.
From the February 2004 relaunch, the channel came into its own.