When contracted with the legitimacy of abortion, this difference in attitude must be attributed to the changed status of the child as before and after birth.
"How has he adjusted to his changed status?"
She had to meet with him as soon as possible to inform him of her changed status.
Their ongoing complaint was that the laws did not recognize the changed status of Jews who converted to Catholicism".
Neysa, assuming human form to enter the castle, thought she had been mistaken; Flach was after all glad to be here, despite his changed status.
Others who see the teachers' changed status as a threat may see their fears justified, their authority undermined and eventually overturned.
Despite its changed status, India's leaders desired the country to remain a member of the Commonwealth.
Made bold by this indication of her changed status, Lessa reached for the plumpest piece of fruit.
She tried to ignore the changed status of things and went about her studies and work as usual.
The deerlike animals flicked their ears, oblivious to their changed status.