But with changed circumstances, the optimum level also changes.
What kind of organizational dysfunction does it take to completely ignore the changed circumstances and keep at a money-losing business?
She adopted the name Hertha, perhaps to indicate her changed circumstances.
He eventually adjusted to his changed circumstances and appeared in a minstrel show at the prison.
If, after joint action has been agreed, a member state needs to take its own measures to meet changed circumstances, it may do so.
If the time is to be extended, then the case for it has to be made again, and to take changed circumstances into account.
Eventually, as more and more people recognize the changed circumstances, prices start to soar.
The many branches reflect evolutionary diversity in response to new or changed circumstances.
Rather, it says, the aim is to "update United States law to reflect changed international circumstances."
But she's still resentful over her changed circumstances, isn't she?