Himmler accepted the report, but made Korherr change the word Sonderbehandlung or "special treatment," to the word durchgeschleust or "processed."
These studies radically changed treatment around the world, enabling patients to be cared for in local hospitals or at home instead of in sanatoriums.
It helps students, institutions and governments understand what students are demanding and also helps student unions, in individual institutions, lobby for rights which help change the culture and treatment of students on a local level.
New tools for detecting genetic derangements in tumor cells, for attacking tumors with novel antibodies and for protecting normal cells during chemotherapy are beginning to change the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Kolko (1987) notes that: 'Many programs do not incorporate standardized instruments to assess those variables purported to change following treatment, and only rarely include needed control or comparison groups and statistical analyses to evaluate program impact'(p.313).
Go to all of your check-ups so your doctor can change treatment if it's not working.
With increasing numbers of black women infected with H.I.V., we need to listen to their voices to change education, services, treatment and advocacy to meet their needs.
Your feelings about your body may change following treatment for cancer.
You should always speak with your doctor or health acre professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.
Do not stop or change treatment, except on the advice of your health care provider.