The changes of angle the belt makes as it goes around the pelvis allow much greater freedom of movement.
Then the changes of angle in seconds of arc per year are:
He did three quick studies of her face, moving around her for a change of angle.
The sensitivity of a level is given as the change of angle or gradient required to move the bubble by unit distance.
The game logic analyzes all factors involved in making the movement (shadows, collision models, change of viewing angle).
There were two more changes of angle before we reached the wire and I took a final sighting with the military depot as a reference.
The change of angle should be vertical to the point where the skirting and stairs meet.
First, make a little change of angle to give himself more room.
If the movement is very subtle, the batter will probably not be able to notice the change of angle.
A slight change of angle and a full wing shape becomes distorted into a thin one.