Strawbridge & Clothier's well-known brands will be replaced, but other changes, not directly related to shopping, loom larger.
For some of Lincoln Park's longtime residents, small changes can loom large.
More troubling, if an acute sensitivity to people's feelings had winnowed down Word 2000's thesaurus options, what changes loomed in the future?
Despite the defensive uncertainty, Mo Lewis has told Parcells that a change in the team is looming.
A change in residence, however, loomed on the horizon for the 48th.
Debate followed on the future role of American forces in Europe, and worldwide change loomed imminent.
While many are tiny counties content with the ballot box, change is looming for them too.
Now changes are looming that could be just as profound.
But a bigger change may be looming for Japan's petroleum industry: the liberalization of gasoline imports.
But even before it does, changes loom for Suffolk, suddenly about to receive a number all its own, that go beyond how telephones are dialed.