However, it can be confidently predicted that no organisational change will lessen the need for improved interprofessional and interpersonal interactions in the provision of formal care.
And changes on the Jets will lessen the effects of some of the strained relationships.
If Mr. Suharto makes some changes to lessen inflation and other unpleasantnesses, the I.M.F. will deliver the $43 billion.
This change lessened barriers to communication and enhanced community building.
If simple changes don't lessen the severity of your sleep problems, your next options are medication or structured CBT sessions with a sleep specialist.
The crumbling of the Warsaw Pact and the changes in the Soviet Union dramatically lessen the threat that was the premise of our militarization.
Levine and the players met to discuss this, and he agreed to program changes to lessen these demands.
The changes have, perhaps, lessened a communal feeling forged by shared hardship.
Another change lessens the importance of the margin of victory and puts more emphasis on the victory itself.
Time, and changes in public opinion, may have lessened the stigma of having been investigated - indeed, some might now consider it a badge of honor.