He flowed up onto one wall and changed into the shape of a support beam.
Some kind of brain damage had brought on a tendency for vivid hallucinations-no one could change into the shape of a demon.
He dusted and read them, and because his master was a wizard, he learned magic, and to change himself into the shape of any animal.
Eventually the sculptor has changed the stone from a rough block into the general shape of the finished statue.
If you listen long enough you will even hear it said that I have the ability to change myself into the shape of a wolf.
Harbis changed into the same shape, only a few seconds behind.
The dust flattened itself, changing from the shape of a sting ray into the shape of a spear.
Among other feats, he could change himself into the shape of any animal, or any other thing that he pleased.
Right now it could change itself into the shape of a human, but would it be human?
"You will be able to change into the shape of a raven," said Tjalparra.