Because most health care providers throughout the country accept Medicare, there's usually no need to change doctors when you join the system.
But instead, he declined, forcing his patient to change doctors.
Even so, many children will be forced to change doctors because their current insurance plans do not participate in Medicaid.
The patients were then asked what steps they might take, including staying with the doctor, changing doctors or talking to a lawyer.
If patients change doctors, he says, they should give that information to the new doctor.
How would you like to have a 14-hour surgical procedure and after 8 hours they change doctors?
And in Pennsylvania, patients do not appear to be willing to change hospitals or doctors based on the reports.
A health care worker, who was standing by, explained that she could change doctors.
Shortly after selling the company, he changed doctors and was cured of his illness.
Some employees will have to change doctors as well, if their physicians are not on the roster of the new health plan.