He changed his surname to his mother's maiden name at the request of his employers.
The cachet was used twice, then Thompson started the tradition of changing it each year at the request of collectors.
In 2000, the center changed its name from Numonohi to Lapilo at the request of the local nationals.
The lyrics were changed at the request of the producers to remove the original reference to cigarettes.
Boris Yeltsin changed the town's name back to Sarov at the request of the residents in August 1995.
This however was changed at the request of Force India because their promotional material had already been printed with numbers 20 and 21.
Many lyrics and song titles were changed at the request of Prager.
I changed eighty thousand into paper money, at the request of the croupier, during short intermissions.
He changed his plans at the request of the Department of State.
Eisley changed his name from Fred to Anthony at the request of the studio.